Now What…

It has been a bit of a minute since I last wrote anything. I kept telling myself, today is the day and yet somehow today became a week and a month and now here we are in 2022. I still want to share a slow walk through scripture and will pick a book to work … Continue reading Now What…

They Worshipped Him. Luke 24:36-53

Today we finish the Gospel of Luke. This is the final passage and although it’s  long I have pasted the whole reading as is a fitting way to finish this wonderful book. As you read it I encourage you today to find 1-2 points that stick out for you and just pause on them. Reflect … Continue reading They Worshipped Him. Luke 24:36-53

Strange way to become friends. Luke 23:1-16

Luke 23:1–16 is today's reading. As mentioned in my previous post, I want us to really slow down through these sections so I’m pasting full passage, with a couple of comments/questions as we go though. Luke 23:1–16 (NIV): Then the whole assembly rose and led him off to Pilate. 2 And they began to accuse … Continue reading Strange way to become friends. Luke 23:1-16